A few weeks ago I spoke up about the Venumbris (Occult Societies) and the other Occultists that work along with the governments and how some of them are collaborating etc.
Many people asked “How are you able to speak up” etc. to which my reply was that either their “secrecy” guard is down OR that they WANT people to start leaking things because they might be preparing either for a reveal or to have people finding out so they can discredit them as crazy.
NOTE: this is one of the best ways of hiding something. Reveal it, have anyone mentioning it being called crazy and then instilling the fear of association to others so even if they see something they will never admit it because they will be afraid that society will call them crazy (reminds you of something?).
I was offline for a while again, and I just went on Tiktok to post the video format of my articles and the first thing I saw was “Rare disorder causes people to see people's faces as demonic”!
I don't want to say “Told you” but... “Told you”!
Prepare for a lot more to come, and a lot more things to be revealed.
I do not know how long we will have this “lax” secrecy but I will take advantage of it and speak about these things as much as I can before I get silenced again (since everything I posted so far always gets removed).
Best case scenario, I will be targeted for the fear of association so anyone who “follows” me is crazy and none of this exists...
Nice loophole eh? Delete everything again and you prove I was correct and saying the truth... allow me online to be ridiculed and mocked so people who associate are crazy and you prove I was correct and saying the truth.
So... I guess (hope) that I will just be privileged enough to be ignored.