Today I was pondering randomly about life in the Umanis society and how hard it has been in the past to make any meaningful connections when it comes to the Occult. (still is)
I realised after some experiences that the difficulty lies in the fact that the legitimate “Occultists” are nowhere to be found in public, and most of those who are “public” simply live in the land of make-believe.
Let me give some examples...
In the majority of my online encounters in the various corners of the internet, I mostly found people with a childish behaviour who tried too hard to pretend they are “mystical” and “magical” adults.
Every time I posted a simple question, it was met with hostility, resulting to my account being banned from groups, forums, etc.
Once, I asked this very simple question, because I wanted to see what the Umanis think a “Witch” is and to identify if there was anyone from the Occult Societies online at that time.
This reads:
What is a Witch for you? (male/female)
To my last post “What is a Witch for you” I didn't mean if it is male or female, I meant that I used the term for both genders... I am curious to know what people define as a witch in the pagan community.
This was met with a plethora of answers, varying from “gender fights” in the comments, to people literally imagining words in the question and taking things personally to the extend of a few people being overly offended... one stating “How dare you assume I am not a real witch?” (I just asked what a witch is and never said they are not one) and many people saying that this question is offensive as it is too personal and that I am only asking to “Stir the cauldron” (people role-playing to the point of changing phrases to make them more “witchy” is extremely cringe, but this is a subject for another post)...
Instead of simply answering a simple question and saying what they think a witch is, they started saying that I am asking very personal questions and I am very rude, they thought I asked this to mock them, and banned me on the spot.
So far, the majority of answers/comments I see under posts, questions, and articles, give me the impression that people nowadays do not read a post or question in order to understand it, they read it in order to find a flaw that can be misinterpreted so they can manufacture something and have a cause to be offended about, and get a chance to show their “superiority” by belittling, trolling, or patronising the author in their replies.
Also... there is this mob mentality that forces people to create a dogma, almost in the sense of a blind religion, in order to bind together. The examples are too many to mention them all, so I hope that this small example will be enough to get a taste of what I am talking about.
The Question Reads:
What is the evidence you have that real magic actually exists? What proof you have found about it in this society/world?
I am not talking about the “feel it in your heart”, “works in your subconscious”, “pray to the gods” kind of magic that only works in people's mind or the “astral plane”. I am referring to actual, physical, palpable magic, that has real results in the physical world around us.
So, basically, I am asking what is each individual's hard proof that magic exists. I am not saying that it does not exist, I am not trying to discredit anyone. I am simply asking what is their experience with it.
Essentially I am trying to see if any of the people in this forum have witnessed any real acts of magic in order to learn about the time and location of each event and pinpoint potential practitioners or Venumbris. Of course, I was not expecting for any of the people who reply to be actual practitioners, but even if someone said that they saw something that is a hard proof for them, it would give me a lead that there is a practitioner in the area they witnessed the event.
These are some of the answers I got:
This reads:
“If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea...”
“I have no proof but in order to keep being mystical I will pretend I have but I won't give it to you because you have to do your own research”
This reads:
“Prove that you exist”
“I have no answers but I am too self-important to keep silent so I will partake in the conversation by throwing philosophical questions”.
This also reminded me religious people who give the exact same answer when you ask them if their god exists.
The first one reads:
“How can you prove that you are even a physical object?.....and so on”
The second reads:
“Where did your thoughts come from?”
Again, pseudo-philosophical replies bordering the religious mentality of “If God does not exist how can you exist and where do your thoughts come from?”... just replace God with Magic and there you have it.
This reads:
“If you have come here for debate or to get us to do tricks for you, you're going to be disappointed. However, if you're lost and need help finding your way, stick around and you might find some answers.”
The moment you ask a question, you are a threat! The superiority complex of being all-knowing and mystical in these circles (borderline cult mentality) is so intense that any question that is hard or even impossible for them to answer makes you either the bad person who tries to trick people into losing belief to their mystical authority, or a lost soul that needs guidance by their mystical authority.
This reads:
“Review the FAQ before asking where to start or if we really believe if magick is real. Specific questions are always welcome, but any post relating to these topics will be removed.”
When everything else fails, try “rules”.
The thing is, that I never questioned if magic exists, I never questioned their belief in magic, I never prompted for a debate, nor did I ask any guidance. All I asked was “Have you seen/experienced real magic events? If yes, tell me about it”
But... alas... people reacted as expected from people who have no knowledge on a subject but have huge egos instead. All of these replies came from people who could not admit even to themselves that they have not experienced any magic-related event, therefore they had to deflect the question because it was a potential threat to their ego-bubble.
Imagine someone who has lied too many times about being a surgeon, everyone thinks they are a surgeon, and they ended up believing they are a surgeon themselves... and then you ask them “If you have seen a surgery, describe it to me”...
After all this, I came to my own conclusion... I think I know why their bubble is so fragile...
Because deep inside, even themselves, don't believe that magic exists, because they have never experienced any.
They know that what they are doing is nonsensical (I will write about an experience I had) and they secretly acknowledge that they have no clue about the real concept of magic.
So, for them, any fragment of truth, is a threat.
And if this post “offends” you, I got some not so good news for you...
Writing this reminded me of a real-life experience I had the time I attended a “magic” group. I will write about it shortly!
- Mortimor