NOTE: Before you get heated by the main idea of “most people can't do it”, please read to the end to see the entire picture. (hint: it is worth it)
First, let's start with another term for the Glossary... WITCHCRAFT!
To make things simple, I want to start using Umanis-adjacent words in order for everyone to understand the context of each article. So, I will borrow the term Witchcraft and use it for all magical practices and techniques.
Now, let's get to the main subject of this post.
Witchcraft and Ableism!
YES! You NEED to be able to use magic in order to practice witchcraft! (at least the real kind)
While I was searching the web for possible hints, links, and answers, I came across this absurd idea that “anyone can do magic if they want to” multiple times. Umanis mistake Witchcraft for wishful thinking.
To put it simply... unless you possess the innate ability to use “magic” it is impossible to practice witchcraft in any meaningful way. Magic and Witchcraft have nothing to do with inclusivity and making people feel good about themselves, and it is not something that can be “taught” to someone without them having the ability to do so.
Believing that “anyone” can do magic, is like believing that anyone can be 6ft tall and play basketball, or that anyone can become an Olympic runner. It might be hard to come to terms with and accept it, but the ability for magic is the same as any other physical ability that is determined by one's body and mind.
In the same way that someone who lacks taste buds cannot become a connoisseur, or someone who lacks the ability to smell cannot become a perfume maker... one who lacks the ability for magic cannot use it and cannot practice witchcraft efficiently.
Of course, everyone can “dabble” in it in the say way that anyone can dabble in anything...
For example, people without a gift for music can have piano lessons and learn how to play some pieces without ever becoming composers, and people without an athletic body/ability can have swimming lessons without ever getting a medal etc.
I hope you get the idea...
And here is where genuine hope comes around!
If you can practice even a little, it means that you can practice to an extend, and as the Umanis say “practice makes perfect”!
The bottomline is that no matter how much people like wishful thinking, the reality is that someone without the ability for magic, an Umanis, cannot wield it, cannot produce outstanding results with it, and cannot practice witchcraft on a level a non-Umanis can.
At least not in the same way...
BUT... there is always hope for better! (I will explain)
Here comes my next thought...
What if they (Umanis) could use magic that was ready-made to use by someone who possesses the ability?
In the same way that a hunter fires a rifle made by a gun-maker without being a gun-maker themselves, an Umanis could use ready-made magical “components” by a “magic-maker”. (pardon the terms)
Could this work? Well, it has worked before!
After World War I, women from the Venumbris Society in Asia Minor (mentioned in my Grandma's diaries) presented themselves to the public as “Witches” and exchanged magical goods for money! The Venumbris Societies had suffered a great deal too due to the World War and those who lived in Umanis areas had to make ends meet financially.
So, they created ready-to-use artefacts and concoctions!
We know that an Umanis cannot produce a magical philter for example, because for the magical properties to work, the ingredients have to come from within the Occult Societies (or be made in the same way) in order to be grown by the “magical” versions of the plants, cultivated according to tradition and harvested and prepared according to certain specifications such as celestial times in order to preserve their magical properties... Even if an Umanis could obtain such materials though, the majority of philter and elixir recipes contain at least one activation phase which includes proper magical ability.
What these women did, was to create stable versions of these recipes for a wide range of users, so the local Umanis could use magic without having the innate ability to do so. From healing elixirs to love philters, there is an endless list of examples. They even went as far as to “package” spells in scrolls that would release the spell's properties with fire, so the local Umanis could cast a spell by burning the scroll.
These types of stable and ready-to-use magic, where originally created for Venumbris on the go. When one could not carry all the supplies needed or did not have the time and space to create something from scratch, they were carrying these concoctions to use when needed.
The good news are, that among all the notes I got from the family estate, I found the recipes! The recipes on how to create a stable form of magic for later use that can eve be used by the Umanis! The recipes range from philters to powders, and from spell scrolls to talismans and artefacts imbued with magical properties!
ALSO, basic instructions on how to alter certain recipes in a way that eliminates the need for the “activation” phase, which means that literally anyone could combine the ingredients/components and get similar results!
So... I plan to make magic accessible to everyone who wishes to, as these women did around a century ago!
I am currently decoding and testing these pages, it takes an awful long time for each one as pages are encrypted by both mathematical and magical means, and making the recipes in order to test them needs time and specific dates/times... but I am getting there, it is really worth it!
Once they are ready I will share them with you, so please bear with me, results are on their way and much sooner than you might expect!
Let's revive magic!
- Mortimor